Spring Safety Alert: Bicycle Accident Deaths on the Rise in Ohio and Nationwide
April 7, 2015In the last several years, bicycling has gained popularity among adults in the United States, who are increasingly relying on bicycles as a means of transportation rather than just a means for recreation. This increased popularity of bicycles has enormous benefits, both to individuals and to the environment. With a greater number of cyclists on the road, however, both the number of motor vehicle accidents involving cyclists and the number of bicycle accident deaths are on the rise in Ohio and across the country.
According to the Governors Highway Safety Association’s most recent review, the number of bicyclists killed in motor vehicle crashes in the United States rose 16% from 2010 to 2012. In Ohio, not only was the percentage increase even greater, but data from the Ohio Department of Public Safety indicates that the upward trend of bicyclist fatalities continued into 2013 (2014 statistics have yet to be released). So what can be done to prevent Ohio bicycle accident deaths?
While many political groups are working toward improving safety through changes to traffic infrastructure, motorists and bicyclists must take immediate precautions to minimize bicycle accident deaths now. First and foremost, motorists should treat bicyclists as other vehicles, and respect the right of bicyclists to safely enjoy the use of the road. Drivers must stay alert to the presence of bicyclists and exercise care to prevent potentially fatal injuries. Similarly, bicyclists should obey all traffic laws and avoid using their bicycle’s mobility to move in and out of traffic. Bicyclists should also strive to protect themselves against accidents by wearing proper safety equipment and attire that increases visibility.
Unfortunately, accidents happen even when every precaution is taken. No matter how prepared you are, sometimes it is impossible to avoid another’s negligence. If you or a loved one have been injured in a bicycle accident or motor vehicle accident, you may be entitled to compensation. Call the Ohio bicycle accident lawyers at Lowe Scott Fisher Co., LPA to discuss your case.
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