“Culture of Secrecy”: NewsChannel5 Report Echoes Warnings of Ohio Medical Malpractice Lawyers
November 13, 2015Last night, Cleveland’s NewsChannel5 aired an investigative piece by Sarah Buduson entitled “Culture of Secrecy.” The report examines the air of secrecy surrounding instances of medical malpractice and the lengths to which hospitals, doctors, and health care providers will go to conceal the truth about medical negligence and surgical errors. Readers are urged to watch the full report here for a glimpse of what victims and their families must go through following medical malpractice injuries or death.
What Is the “Culture of Secrecy”?
According to Buduson, “hospitals carefully track medical mistakes but often keep detailed information about errors hidden from patients and the public.” This finding by the NewsChannel5 investigation aligns what Ohio medical malpractice attorneys frequently find when investigating claims.
Unlike a car accident or personal injury case that occurs in public, instances of medical and surgical malpractice most often occur while the patient is under a health care provider’s care. Because of this, hospitals have almost exclusive possession and control of the information regarding medical malpractice injuries, and they are not inclined to discuss the details of their own culpability. That is why it is imperative that individuals seek the counsel of an Ohio medical malpractice lawyer if there is any suspicion that medical negligence has occurred.
How Can a Malpractice Lawyer Help?
Medical malpractice is one of the most complex types of personal injury and wrongful death claims. As NewsChannel5’s report illustrates, simply gathering the information about an instance of medical malpractice can be difficult. Once that information is collected, examining the circumstances surrounding a medical or surgery-related injury requires thorough review by qualified professionals. Coupled with the short one-year statute of limitations and the Affidavit of Merit requirement (two legal concepts discussed elsewhere on this blog), the steps that must be taken in order to maintain an Ohio medical malpractice lawsuit are many and complicated.
At Lowe Scott Fisher Co., LPA, our medical malpractice attorneys have decades of experience representing victims of medical malpractice. Our trial team has the resources to break through the “culture of secrecy,” investigate the circumstances surrounding a medical injury or death, and help victims and families obtain fair compensation for their injuries. If you or a loved one have suffered due to medical malpractice, call us today for a free consultation.
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