All About Uninsured & Underinsured Motorist Coverage

Watch our latest video below and review the transcript for more detail:
From the video:
Hi, I’m Scott Kuboff with Lowe Scott Fisher here to talk about two types of insurance you need to have on your auto policy.
First is uninsured motorist coverage. It is what it sounds like. It is the type of coverage that will kick in if the person who hurt you has no insurance whatsoever. And that could be because they literally don’t have insurance, there is a lapse in coverage. there is some type of coverage issue, etc.
We see this a lot when people use their personal automobile for commercial purposes or maybe they’re just not an insured driver under the policy. If you have uninsured motorist coverage, your insurance will kick in even when the other driver doesn’t have any.
Underinsured motorist coverage is if the at-fault driver does not have enough insurance to cover your loss. In the state of Ohio, the minimum coverage required by law is $25,000. If a person has a state minimum auto policy but your injuries exceed that amount, that’s where your underage insured coverage kicks in.
If for the sake of argument, you had $100,000, in underinsured benefits and the tortfeasor had $25,000 you could recover $25,000 from the tortfeasor or up to an additional $75,000 from your own insurance company.
It is really important that everyone go home, take a look at your auto policy, and make sure that these two coverages apply.
Because oftentimes we find ourselves helping people that their UM/UIM policies are the only ways that we can make them whole.
If you have questions about how your uninsured or underinsured motorist coverage may be important to your case, give us a call: 216-781-2600.
For a free legal consultation, give our car accident personal injury attorneys a call, or visit us online to fill out our online contact form. A member of our team will contact you directly to discuss your options.
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