4 Types of Cases That Medical Malpractice Lawyers See Too Often
May 24, 2017Patients trust medical professionals with their lives. Too often, though, hospitals, physicians, and other healthcare practitioners see patients as nothing more than profits. This can lead to inattentive and careless treatment. Worse, it can lead to injury or death due to medical malpractice. At Lowe Scott Fisher Co., LPA, medical malpractice lawyers represent numerous clients […]
Read MoreRadiologist Errors and Ohio Medical Malpractice Lawsuits
March 19, 2016The following post comes in response to a question from a non-lawyer. For those outside of the legal profession, understanding a medical malpractice lawsuit can be quite difficult. Sometimes even knowing what role medical professionals play in the treatment process can be hard to figure out, let alone navigating the legal system following a medical […]
Read MoreWomen Face High Risk of Misdiagnosed and Undiagnosed Heart Disease
February 2, 2016As part of American Heart Month, the American Heart Association has designated this Friday, February 5, 2016, as National Wear Red Day. Participants are encouraged to wear red clothes, makeup, jewelry, and anything else that might grab someone’s attention and lead to a discussion about the risks women face from heart disease and strokes.
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