Can You Collect Damages For PTSD After An Accident?
October 21, 2020Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) is a life-altering psychological disorder that results from experiencing one or more intense, traumatic life events. Much like a major physical injury, PTSD can cause long-term and severe disruption to one’s life, including mental and emotional strife, heightened anxiety and fear, loss of ability to concentrate, sleep disruptions, depression, moodiness and […]
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Ohio attorney weighs in on debate for workers compensation PTSD benefits to first responders
June 10, 2019Ohio lawmakers want to extend workers compensation benefits to first responders’ access who experience post-traumatic stress disorder. According to the Columbus Dispatch, House lawmakers added a provision to the Bureau of Workers’ Compensation budget that would allow police, firefighters and emergency medical workers to file claims without a correlating physical injury.
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