Defective drug lawyers applaud FDA move to pull Zantac for link to cancer

The drug injury lawyers at Lowe Scott Fisher are lauding the call from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration to pull all Zantac products because of the potential cancer risk to consumers. The FDA on April 1 requested a withdrawal of all ranitidine products, more commonly known by the brand name Zantac, from shelves and counters of drug stores
The FDA cited an increase in NDMA levels with time and temperature in some products, posing a risk to public health. N-nitrosodimethlylamine (NDMA) is a cancer-causing chemical. Previously, the FDA announced in September 2019 that low levels of NDMA were found in Zantac, leading to a recall of Zantac and its generics.
“Zantac was such a common drug to treat heartburn, indigestion, gastroesophageal reflux disease,” said attorney Ryan Fisher, a partner at the personal injury law firm Lowe Scott Fisher. “It was widely marketed for almost 40 years to consumers. Based on the FDA’s ongoing investigation into Zantac’s safety, removing it from the market is the prudent action.”
The agency has cautioned users of any over the counter ranitidine products to discard their tablets or liquids. Patients who take prescription ranitidine should speak with their health care professionals about other treatment options before stopping the medicine.
Are there any health risks if you took ranitidine?
The FDA does not expect the chemicals in question to cause harm when ingested at low levels. Nitrosamine impurities may increase the risk of cancer if people are exposed to them at above acceptable levels and over long periods of time.
Medical experts indicate that NDMA may result in the development of various types of cancer from Zantac, when taken for one year or longer, including: bladder cancer, stomach cancer, liver cancer, colorectal cancer, or kidney cancer.
“What we’re seeing is an increase in the number of cases filed against manufacturers by people who developed cancer after using Zantac,” Fisher said. “We strongly urge anyone who uses Zantac to follow the FDA guidelines on disposing the drug and seeing other treatments.”
How Lowe Scott Fisher can help
The Zantac Lawyers at Lowe Scott Fisher have made it their professional mission to fight for the rights of the injured for more than 40 years, and have recovered hundreds of millions of dollars for our injured clients.
If you or a family member took and were diagnosed with cancer you may qualify for compensation. Contact our team of experienced attorneys at 216-781-2600 for free legal advice and a case evaluation.
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