Lowe Profile: Brianna Krinjeck

This month’s Lowe Profile features paralegal Brianna Krinjeck. Brianna has been with Lowe Scott Fisher for more than two years and is an integral part of the team. Let’s take a moment to get to know Brianna!
Education and Background:
I earned my Associate’s Degree in Paralegal Studies at Cuyahoga Community College in 2012. After working in general practice for a couple of years, I was hired to work with a workers’ compensation firm in 2014 and fell in love with that area of law. I made my way to apply to this firm and am truly enjoying helping people with social security disability and workers’ compensation claims.
Tell us about your family and pets:
I live with my husband and two fur babies in Eastlake. We have a pitbull, Buddy, who is a rescue and has found his voice and shown his happy and fun personality over the years. We also have a cat, Riley, who is a rescue as well and is playful and will curl up just about anywhere where we are.
What are some hobbies you enjoy outside of work?
Running, biking (mountain biking and BMX), baking, playing videogames on the PC, and DDR (Dance Dance Revolution – a music arcade game)
The professional or personal achievement you’re most proud of:
My husband and I went on a 50-mile biking trip over the summer and we had a wonderful time, discounting the soreness and sunburn after.
If you could have dinner with any person in history, who would it be and why?
It would definitely be with my mom. I think it would be wonderful to tell her what I’ve been up to and most of all what SHE’S been up to while we’ve been in our own little worlds. I’ve done so much over the past couple of years since she’s been gone and I think she’d be proud of who I am today.
If you could have any superpower what would it be and why?
Teleportation would be neat. I wouldn’t have to worry about being late, and I could go anywhere in the world in a split second. Think of the savings in travel expenses!
What is your favorite fall activity?
Going to the Holden Arboretum in Kirtland. It’s so beautiful with the trees changing colors, but it’s also beautiful any time of the year.