Work-Related Medical Conditions Can Be Resolved With Help From A Workplace Injury Attorney in Cleveland, OH
When Ohio employees suffer workplace injuries, they may be entitled to workers compensation. This applies to obvious physical injuries, but many do not realize that workers compensation may also be available for illnesses and medical conditions.
Under Ohio’s benefits laws, anyone who suffers an occupational disease may be entitled to workers compensation. Lowe Scott Fisher Co., LPA offers to top tier workplace injury attorneys who can help you and your family receive the assistance you need when your employment results in an occupational disease such as:
- Mesothelioma
- Asbestos poisoning
- Carpal tunnel syndrome
Including illnesses or injuries caused by:
- Chemical Exposure
- Biological, Bacterial, or Viral Exposure
- Radiation
- Toxic Substances
- Repetitive Motions
- Excessive Noise
- Extreme Temperature
- Prolonged or Extreme Pressure
- Physical Vibrations
Applying for Workers Compensation for Occupational Disease
Establishing a claim for workers compensation benefits based on an occupational disease can be more difficult than pursuing a claim based on more obvious physical injuries. Ohio law recognizes specific conditions as “occupational diseases,” but unlisted conditions may still meet the criteria for benefits eligibility.
Even when you or your loved one suffer from a listed occupational disease, claim approval is not guaranteed. Injured employees must also prove that the disease resulted form work-related activity and exposure, that the exposure caused the condition, and that the employment created a greater risk of developing the condition than the risk to those who do not perform the employee’s job.
Filing a successful workers compensation claim is difficult enough. Successfully proving eligibility for benefits based on an occupational disease can be even harder. But you do not have to file or appeal your denied claim alone.

The workplace injury attorneys of Lowe Scott Fisher proudly represent Ohio workers who have sustained injuries and developed occupational diseases while on the job. We can help you collect relevant records and evidence, consult and elicit expert testimony, and present the best case possible to help you receive the benefits and assistance you need.
If you or your loved one suffer from an occupational disease, you may be entitled to benefits or other financial assistance. Contact us today for a free referral to a workplace injury attorney in your area.