Takata Airbag Recall Update: Lawsuit Alleges January Death

Auto manufacturer Honda is facing a wrongful death lawsuit, along with airbag manufacturer Takata, after a driver was killed in a minor motor vehicle accident. The driver’s vehicle, a 2002 Honda Accord, was equipped with a recalled Takata airbag, which exploded on impact, firing a piece of metal shrapnel into the cabin of the vehicle. The shrapnel severed both the driver’s carotid artery and jugular vein, and resulted in his death.
Readers of this blog will remember that, just two months ago, the U.S. government fined Honda $70 million in connection with the auto maker’s underreporting of injuries and deaths related to Takata airbags. Far and away the largest user of Takata airbags, Honda’s failure to fully report and warn consumers of the dangers associated with this dangerous auto defect is unacceptable. No less appalling is Takata Corp. itself, which put profits ahead of consumer safety by replacing the propellant tetrazole with a cheaper but far more volatile propellant, ammonium nitrate.
To learn more about why vehicles equipped with Takata airbags were recalled, click here.
The Ohio airbag injury lawyers at Lowe Scott Fisher Co., LPA are offering free consultations to anyone who has been injured, or whose loved one has been killed, by a recalled Takata airbag. For more than four decades, our dedicated product liability lawyers have been representing those who have been wrongfully injured by negligent manufacturers, defective products, and dangerous auto defects. Call us today to discuss your case.
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