Ten interesting statistics about nursing home abuse and elder abuse

Elderly woman wearing green sweater November 13, 2019

The best-available research indicates that one in 10 persons aged 60 or older is the victim of elder abuse, but just 7 percent of all instances of elder abuse are ever reported to state or local authorities. The National Association of Nursing Home Attorneys, a group of legal professionals compiled and shared some eye-opening nursing home abuse statistics and elder abuse statistics from across the United States.

Here are 10 of the more interesting statistics:

  1. Residents with dementia are more vulnerable to become victims. About 50 percent of people with dementia experience some form of abuse or neglect.
  2. One in every three nursing home residents takes an antipsychotic, which further raises their risk of becoming a victim.
  3. About 90 percent of nursing homes have staff levels that are too low for regular adequate care.
  4. The most common form of abuse is psychological abuse (11.6 percent of all reported incidents), followed by both financial exploitation and sexual abuse (6.8 percent each).
  5. Ten percent of all nursing home residents have had a bed sore (also called pressure ulcers or decubitus ulcers). These occur on the skin when pressure stops the flow of blood, oxygen, and nutrients to the affected area. Bed sores can almost always be prevented.
  6. A national survey of nursing home staff revealed that 10 percent admitted they committed at least one act of physical abuse toward an elderly resident.
  7. According to that same survey, 40 percent of nursing home staff admitted to to psychologically abusing a resident.
  8. An estimated one in 14 cases (7 percent) of elder abuse is formally reported to authorities.
  9. Two out of three victims of elder abuse are women.
  10. Nursing home abuse and neglect statistics are underrepresented. About 70 percent of state surveys (inspections) miss at least one health violation, and 15 percent of state surveys miss actual harm and jeopardy of a nursing home resident.

How the nursing home abuse attorneys at Lowe Scott Fisher can help

You can’t be in a nursing home to watch your loved one all the time. You trust the staff at your loved one’s nursing home facility with their best interest. When that trust is broken and you want answers, experienced attorneys can investigate your claim and hold those responsible accountable for their actions. With over three decades of litigation and personal injury experience, the nursing home abuse attorneys at Lowe Scott Fisher can help your family member or loved one when any nursing home abuse has occurred.

If you believe that a member of your family is the victim of nursing home abuse, or suffered a wrongful death, contact attorneys Greg Scott, Ryan Fisher and Meghan Connolly today for a free consultation at 216-781-2600 to find out how we can help protect you and your family.

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