Vape Pen Death Raises Alarms for Product Liability Attorneys

This week, consumers and product liability attorneys were shocked to hear about the death of a Texas man as the result of a defective vape pen. Whether or not you use vape pen or similar devices yourself, chances are you know at least one person who does. In light of the recent tragedy, millions are now left wondering, “What if a defective vape pen harmed me, my friends, or loved ones?”
While nothing can undo the physical pain and tragic loss caused by defective products, an experienced product liability attorney can help you and your family hold negligent and greedy companies responsible for product-related injuries and wrongful death. Lowe Scott Fisher Co., LPA, Ohio’s premier product liability law firm, has been representing clients in product defect cases for nearly forty years. The Lowe Scott Fisher team knows how to fight for you and recover the compensation and peace of mind you deserve.
As dedicated product liability attorneys, the lawyers of Lowe Scott Fisher Co., LPA have added vape pens to the long list of defective products being investigated. Read on below to learn more about what happened in the Texas vape pen tragedy, and what you should do if you or your loved one is injured by a dangerous or defective product.
The Texas Vape Pen Tragedy: What Product Liability Attorneys Have Been Warning All Along
For those who have not read about the tragedy, a full account can be found here. In summary, on January 27 a man purchased an electronic vaporizer pen—a device used to vaporize and inhale nicotine-infused substances in lieu of smoking tobacco. While subsequently “smoking” the device by holding it to his lips, the vape pen exploded. The shrapnel from the explosion severed the man’s carotid artery, a catastrophic injury which later led to a stroke which resulted in his death two days later.
Sadly, this is not the first death related to electronic vaporizer pens and e-cigarettes. Just last year, a Florida man lost his life following a similar explosion that struck him with shrapnel and ignited a house fire. In fact, longtime readers may recall that Lowe Scott Fisher Co., LPA warned consumers about the dangers of these devices all the way back in 2014.
So why will any product liability attorney tell you these devices pose a risk? And why do vape pen and e-cigarette injuries continue to happen?
Vape Pen Explosions and Fires
Why do vape pens and e-cigarettes cause injuries? The answer has to do with the devices’ batteries. Unlike traditional cigarettes, of course, these devices use batteries.
When not properly designed and/or manufactured, these lithium ion batteries can overheat, explode, leak, and otherwise malfunction. E-cigarette explosions tend to carry an increased likelihood of injury because users hold the device in or near their mouths. Overheating, though, is perhaps a more common cause of injury, leading to both burns and fires.
Product liability attorneys tend to question the safety of low-end products that use lithium ion batteries. Products such as cell phones, hoverboards, cameras, and the like all have a long history of causing serious injuries due to battery defects. Consumers would be wise to take a similarly cautious attitude toward these products.
Why You Need a Product Liability Attorney
If you or a family member suffer injury or wrongful death because of a defective product, you need an attorney who will fight for you. The unfortunate truth is that many, many companies release defective products into the market, and the law rarely punishes them for these breaches. It is up to consumers to take action if these greedy and careless manufacturers are to be held liable.
When you want to take action against bad businesses, you need a serious product liability lawyer by your side. From investigating to litigation, an attorney like those at Lowe Scott Fisher Co., LPA has the resources and knowledge needed to take on giant corporations and win.
While every case is different, Lowe Scott Fisher’s attorneys currently offer free product liability consultations with no obligation. Let us review your case and help you take the right steps to recover the compensation you deserve.
Call or email now to schedule your consultation and find out how Lowe Scott Fisher Co., LPA can fight for you.
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