How much money will I receive from Workers Comp if I’m injured at work?

A work injury can cause a significant disruption to your life, from the pain of your injuries, to your financial stability, to your long-term well-being. In Ohio, the workers compensation system is designed to help compensate injured workers who are disabled because of a work-related injury or occupational disease.
But there are limits to the amount that you might receive from the Ohio Bureau of Workers Compensation, and before you file a claim, it’s important to understand how much you should expect to receive while you are recovering.
Cleveland workers compensation attorney Carly Ibold of Lowe Scott Fisher, with offices in Cleveland and Chardon, explains how the amounts is calculated.
Temporary Total Compensation
One of the first benefits that injured workers usually apply for is Temporary Total (TT) Compensation to replace their lost income.
If you were injured at work, you can apply for Temporary Total Compensation if the injury restricts you from working for more than seven (7) days, and a doctor has restricted you from work because of the work-related injury or permitted a return to work with modified duties (but the employer does not have any available work that meets those limitations).
It’s important that if you are injured at work, you should report the injury to a supervisor or manager right away, and seek immediate medical attention from a professional and describe how you were hurt.
Full Weekly-Wage vs. Average Weekly-Wage
“The amount you receive is dependent on how much you earned the year prior to the date of your accident,” Ibold said. “There are two calculations — Full Weekly-Wage and Average Weekly-Wage — that determine how much you’ll get.”
If you are approved for TT Compensation, for the first 12 weeks after the date of your injury, you’ll be compensated at your Full Weekly-Wage (FWW). This amount is based on your earnings for the six weeks prior to your injury. The average of those earnings is called FWW, and you will receive 72 percent of that amount each week for up to 12 weeks of missed work.
After 12 weeks of missed work, TT Compensation benefits are paid at your Average Weekly-Wage (AWW) rate. This amount is based on your earnings for one year (52 weeks) prior to the date of their injury. The average of those earnings is called Average Weekly-Wage, and you will receive 66.66 percent of that amount for up to one year.
Another important note: There is a limit to how much you can receive in benefits each week. Your FWW or AWW calculations cannot exceed the statewide average weekly wage, which is the average weekly wage for all Ohioans.
“For 2019, the maximum amount an individual will receive for Temporary Total in a week is $950,” Ibold said. “So if you made a ton of money in a year, unfortunately the most you’re going to get is $950 a week.”
How our workers’ compensation attorney can help
There are many steps involved in filing a Workers Compensation claim, and the process can take months. All during a time when you should be concentrating on getting well.
Contact our workers’ compensation attorney immediately if you intend to seek treatment. The sooner an attorney is involved, the sooner your interests are preserved and you can be advised of your rights under the workers’ compensation system. Call 440-226-3566 to speak with Carly Ibold for a no-cost case evaluation.
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