New Study Finds Association between Fracking and Major Medical Complication
October 10, 2015Fracking Associated with Preterm Birth
According to a study in the scientific journal Epidemiology, pregnant women living in areas where hydraulic fracturing occurs face an increased risk of giving birth prematurely. The Johns Hopkins study, which analyzed thousands of health records from a four year period, found an association between “unconventional natural gas development activity,” including fracking, and preterm births. This association increased across activity quartiles, with women living in the highest activity quartile at 40% greater risk of giving birth prematurely than women living in areas where no fracking activity is underway.
Fracking Puts Ohio Citizens at Risk of Personal Injury
The evidence of fracking’s dangers continue to mount. Explosions, water and air contamination, workplace accidents, and even seismic activity have all been linked, directly or indirectly, to fracking activity. And the injuries resulting from fracking are not insignificant, as the John Hopkins study above demonstrates. Preterm births put infants at greater risk “for mortality and a variety of health and developmental problems. Complications include acute respiratory, gastrointestinal, immunologic, central nervous system, hearing, and vision problems, as well as longer-term motor, cognitive, visual, hearing, behavioral, social-emotional, health, and growth problems.” Source.
This past June, the state of New York banned hydraulic fracturing in light of the significant growing body of evidence that fracking harms both individuals and the environment. Ohio, on the other hand, has taken steps to prevent local-level limitations on fracking activity, effectively allowing fracking companies to continue operations without due regard for public safety.
In the absence of protections and remedies under Ohio statutory law, Ohioans who believe they have been injured by fracking activities should contact an Ohio fracking lawyer. Fracking companies have an obligation to refrain from harming individuals, and they may be held liable for their negligent activities in a court of law.
Ohio Fracking Lawyers at Lowe Scott Fisher Co., LPA
With new studies and data being reported every month, the full extent of fracking’s dangers are still unknown. For this reason, the Ohio fracking lawyers at Lowe Scott Fisher Co., LPA offer free consultations to anyone who suspects that they have sustained injury or illness due to fracking activity. Call today at 855-783-9247 to discuss your claim.
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