Will My Personal Injury Lawyer Represent Me in Negotiations with My Own Insurance Carrier?
April 7, 2015Dealing with insurance companies can be frustrating. Following a motor vehicle accident, the headache of a combative or aggressive adjuster can exacerbate an already traumatic experience. And, for many personal injury victims, the experience is all the more difficult because the adjuster involved works for the victim’s own insurance carrier.
Read MoreSpring Safety Alert: Bicycle Accident Deaths on the Rise in Ohio and Nationwide
April 7, 2015In the last several years, bicycling has gained popularity among adults in the United States, who are increasingly relying on bicycles as a means of transportation rather than just a means for recreation. This increased popularity of bicycles has enormous benefits, both to individuals and to the environment. With a greater number of cyclists on […]
Read MoreNew Study Exposes Long-Term Effects of Traumatic Brain Injury
April 4, 2015As we have discussed many times on this blog, one of the most serious types of injury we encounter as Cleveland personal injury lawyers is traumatic brain injury. Traumatic brain injury (“TBI”) occurs when a head injury disrupts the functioning of the brain. These disruptions can often be life-shattering, resulting in memory loss, loss of cognitive […]
Read MoreOhio Medical Malpractice Lawyers: Stringent Malpractice Laws Continue to Harm Injured Ohioans
March 31, 2015If you think medical malpractice lawsuits in Ohio are out of control, think again. Medical malpractice insurer Diederich Healthcare has released its annual Medical Malpractice Payout Analysis, and once again Ohio ranks among the states in which it is least likely that a medical malpractice victim will be fairly compensated for his or her injuries. […]
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Who Pays the Expenses in a Personal Injury Lawsuit?
March 28, 2015Any Cleveland personal injury lawyer will tell you that maintaining a personal injury lawsuit can be expensive. Even the most straightforward slip-and-fall injury cases or motor vehicle accident lawsuits can require thousands of dollars if brought to trial. With complex cases like medical malpractice or product liability lawsuits, the significant costs of investigation, review, and […]
Read MoreWhat is Negligence? Ohio Personal Injury Attorneys Explain the Basics
March 27, 2015On this blog, we talk a lot about negligence. Whether discussing medical malpractice, motor vehicle accidents, nursing home injuries, or most any other personal injury topic, we are really just talking about a specific variety of the same thing: negligence. Ohio personal injury law allows injured victims to recover compensation when their injuries were caused […]
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